PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX prof: PREFIX sdo: PREFIX skos: PREFIX role: a prof:Profile ; prof:isProfileOf , # GeoSPARQL , # SOSA (within SSN) , # PROV-O ; # Darwin Semantic Web ( prof:isTransitiveProfileOf ; # OWL2 dcterms:conformsTo ; # this ontology conforms to Aust Gov Ontology Profile (AGOP) dcterms:title "Plant Health Surveillance Ontology"@en ; dcterms:description """This ontology is a data model for plant health surveillance conducted by Australian biosecurity agencies and industry to maintain food quality, prevent the spread of pests and facilitate trade in foodstuffs."""@en ; prof:hasResource [ prof:hasRole role:guidance ; dcterms:format "text/html" ; prof:hasArtifact ; ] , [ prof:hasRole role:schema ; dcterms:format "text/turtle" ; prof:hasArtifact ; ] , [ prof:hasRole role:validation ; dcterms:format "text/turtle" ; dcterms:conformsTo ; prof:hasArtifact ; ] ; . a prof:Profile ; prof:isProfileOf ; dcterms:title "Semantic Sensor Network Ontology"@en ; skos:scopeNote "SSN, and SOSA within it, profiles PROV and an alignment is given within SSN"@en ; .