Social security

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Independent evaluation of the JobKeeper payment: final report

The Independent evaluation of the JobKeeper payment considered both the impact and processes of JobKeeper over the entire payment. The effectiveness of JobKeeper was assessed in terms of achieving its objectives, in line with the terms of reference. Lessons learned from the design and implementation...

Accuracy and timeliness of welfare payments

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Department of Social Services’ and Services Australia’s management of the accuracy and timeliness of welfare payments.

Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme: report

The Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme was established in August 2022, with Catherine Holmes AC SC appointed Royal Commissioner. This final report from the Commissioner makes 57 recommendations which will have significant implications from both a policy and service delivery perspective.
Working paper

Digital transformation of social security administration and services: a comparative analysis of Australia, Canada, Denmark and France

The digital transformation of social security administration and services is complex and multifaceted. It requires careful consideration of various factors, such as the legal and regulatory frameworks, technological infrastructure, and social and cultural norms. This comparative analysis examines the digital transformation of social security administration...
Working paper

Entrepreneurial egalitarianism: how inequality and insecurity stifle innovation, and what we can do about it

This paper builds upon empirical evidence that more equal societies tend to be more innovative by exploring how inequality and insecurity can inhibit innovative activity at the individual level, both directly and indirectly, by diminishing the resources and capabilities which enable innovation.