Applying geoscience to Australia's most important challenges
Foundation Spatial Data Framework Linked Data API


Instance URI:

Title Eden en-AU
Type Feature A discrete spatial phenomenon in a universe of discourse.
Label Eden en-AU
Identifier Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs. 749 xsd:token
Has Operational Status The mode of physical operation of the feature Operational The Feature is operating
Feature Data Provenance The provenance (source from which, and date) that feature data was received
Date Created Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. 2016-11-01 xsd:date
Creator Recommended practice is to identify the creator with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the creator may be provided. agency:ee

Address An address provided as free text. Eden New South Wales
Feature Source This is the name of the latest primary source used to add, update or verify a features existence or position. In most cases, this would be imagery (satellite, orthophotography, World Imagery). Esri World Imagery
Source Jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the source feature ns2:nsw
Is Part Of This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Has Part. Power Substations This National Electricity Transmission Substations dataset presents the spatial locations, in point format, of all known electricity transmission substations within Australia.
Is Feature Of Interest Of A relation between a FeatureOfInterest and an Observation about it, an Actuation acting on it, or an act of Sampling that sampled it
Observed Property Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by hasFeatureOfInterest) of this Observation Rated Voltage The voltage that the Feature is rated to carry or operate at
Has Result Relation linking an Observation or Actuation or act of Sampling and a Result or Sample nc4fdaaac6f734484a0b9cb38349a8d65b3
Type Observation Act of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with

Has Geometry A spatial representation for a given Feature.
Type Geometry A coherent set of direct positions in space. The positions are held within a Spatial Reference System (SRS).
As Wkt The WKT serialization of a Geometry
POINT (149.88794858500012 -37.06284103899998) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [149.88794858500012, -37.06284103899998]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Type Recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [[DCMI-TYPE](]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the property Format. Substation The substation itself within substation infrastructure
Feature Date This is the date of the latest primary source material where the position of a particular feature was added, verified, or subsequently changed. 2011-11-05 xsd:date