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Other economic framework


broader transitive
definition This group covers R&D directed towards understanding other economic issues in the economic framework not elsewhere classified. It includes carbon and emissions trading mechanisms and ecological economics.
159901 original
broader transitive
broader 1599 original
159902 original
broader transitive
broader 1599 original
159999 original
broader transitive
broader 1599 original
narrower transitive
159901 original
159902 original
159999 original
notation 1599
scope note a) Manufacture of scientific, industrial and medical instruments is included in Group 2410 Instrumentation.
b) International transport of freight and passengers is included in Division 27 Transport.
c) Commercial services, including financial and investment services, market research, administration, business support and professional services, domestic trade and economic issues relating to tourism are included in Division 11 Commercial services and tourism.
d) Economics of health policy outcomes is included in Group 2003 Provision of health and support services.
e) Occupational health is included in Group 2005 Specific population health (excl. Indigenous health).
f) International political economy, other than international trade, and international relations that do not relate to trade are included in Group 2303 International relations.
g) Employment, work and workplace safety issues are included in Group 2305 Work and labour market.
h) Environmental aspects of resource consumption and international trade are included in Group 1902 Environmental policy, legislation and standards.
Concept original
https://linked.data.gov.au/def/anzsrc-seo/2020/15 original
narrower transitive
in scheme 1297.0 ANZSRC - Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification, 2020: Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO) original